This is going to leave a mark

● How do we navigate the inherent conflicts between social distancing and community engagement? ● How do we maintain sanitary outdoor play surfaces, and encourage trust in our best practices? ● What adjustments do we make to our maximum load capacities in aquatic centers and meeting spaces? ● How do we balance park/program equity with new fiscal realities and responsibilities? ● How can we leverage increased interest in personal health for more interaction in nature? ● How can we lessen dependence on governmental funding and operate more entrepreneurially? ● How do we better assist our most vulnerable populations? ● How do cancelled school sessions create a new niche we can fill in our summer camps? ● What new partnerships can we create to build more healthful and resilient neighborhoods? ● What new protocols need to be established in our recreation centers, swimming pools, children’s services, large-group events, fitness programs, playgrounds, concessions, trails, visitor centers, and other public facilities?
Granted, not all of these questions are newly arriving with a post-pandemic world, but if we practitioners are to remain relevant and, indeed, grow our industry’s uniquely influential role in the public good in its aftermath, we can no longer kick these proverbial cans further down the road.Instead, I suggest embracing a new metaphor for a preferred future. With the onset of the pandemic, thousands of park and recreation agencies suddenly have to deal with new, yet simultaneously similar challenges. Our many responses are like the myriad of rivulets produced by a flooding rainstorm. They’re trickling everywhere at once, exploring ways of forward passage, but ultimately leading in the same downslope direction. If we will share our new ideas, our innovative procedures, our lessons from failures and successes; our thousands of earnest rivulets will coalesce to braided stream flows that, just a little bit further on, will produce a stronger, broader channel of unified best-practice standards and indispensable public services, restoring and refreshing us all.Please share your questions, suggestions and experiences with your peers in the PRPS companion Facebook page, What’s Up P+R?! As we gather resources and can offer authoritative guidance, we will post them on the PRPS Recreation and Park COVID-19 Resources webpage for all to benefit. During the coming weeks, PRPS will be hosting free Virtual Roundtables (Parks & Recreation - Surviving the Covid Crisis) via Zoom to provide a networking platform for members to share issues and brainstorm about how to move forward during this stressful time. Individual Roundtable topics include Aquatics, Maintenance, Programs/Events/Summer Camp, Leadership/Planning, Therapeutic Recreation, and Urban Recreation. And join the fluid movement forward!