PRPS Learning Networks

Connect, Learn, and Excel with PRPS Learning Networks

Learning Networks provide a structure for members to engage with others of similar interests and expertise in training and social networking opportunities. They are designed to span a variety of competencies needed to excel in the field, and can be adapted to accommodate new trends and issues as needed. The following, based on the core competencies of park and recreation management, have been established:

  • Administration (human resources, finance, planning)
  • Aquatics (pools, splash pads, swim lessons, etc.)
  • Athletics (tournaments, leagues, coaching, etc.)
  • Emerging Professionals
  • Facilities, Maintenance & Operations
  • IDEA: Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, Access
  • Programs, Summer Camps & Special Events
  • Therapeutic Recreation

In addition to the previously noted competencies, and as Networks advance, ad hoc committees can be established to meet the needs of members.

Learning Network Schedule                                                                                            

Please note that all meetings occur at 12:00 noon on the dates listed below unless otherwise noted.
Click dates below Network to register for FREE!

Administration Learning Network   
Tuesday, January 28 
~Learn about CAPRA Accreditation with Monica Tierney,
Lower Makefield Township (the 1st CAPRA agency in PA)!
Tuesday, April 29
Tuesday, July 29
Wednesday, October 8 

Network Liaison: Kelly Rebitz

Facilities, Maintenance, & Operations Learning Network 
Tuesday, January 21
Tuesday, April 1
Thursday, July 17
Wednesday, November 12 

Network Liaison: Dan Hendey

Athletics Learning Network
Tuesday, February 4
~Join Jen O'Brien, Executive Director of the American 
Hockey Assoc. as she discusses special needs athletics programming.
Tuesday, May 6
Tuesday, November 4 

 Network Liaison: Walt Mulholland

IDEA: Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, Access Learning Network
Thursday, February 6
Thursday, May 8
Thursday, November 6

Network Liaison: Kealy Daye

Aquatic Learning Network
Tuesday, January 14
Tuesday, September 30
Tuesday, December 9 

 Network Liaison: Jeremy Mortorff

Programs, Summer Camps, & Special Events Learning Network
Thursday, February 13
Thursday, April 10
Thursday, October 9 

 Network Liaison: Erin Long

Emerging Professionals Learning Network
Tuesday, February 11
Leading from Any Seat: Cultivating Influence & Growth in Parks and Recreation
This virtual roundtable would focus on how park professionals—regardless of their
title or position—can develop leadership skills, influence positive change, and
grow within the field. Topics could include mentorship, career pathways,
advocacy, and practical strategies for professional development.
Tuesday, April 8
Tuesday, August 12
Tuesday, October 14

Network Liaison: Tyler Walker

Therapeutic Recreation Learning Network
Tuesday, January 24 - cancelled
Wednesday, April 16
Wednesday, September 17
Wednesday, December 3 

 Network Liaison: Brian Malcarne

Learning Networks Liaisons

As with the former Branches, members can self-select into Learning Networks, and chose to engage as they see fit. While each Learning Network’s structure does not include an elected executive committee, it is expected that a volunteer Chair be available to lead meetings and represent its interests to the Education Committee. The volunteer chair is limited to a two-year term, with staff liaisons ensuring that replacements are secured prior to the completion of the two-year term. Volunteer chairs can also select to step down at any time as needed. Learning Networks provide volunteer liaisons to report back to the following PRPS Committees:

  • Education Committee 
  • Membership Committee
  • Conference Program Committee
  • DEI Committee
  • Health & Wellness Committee

Learning Network Guidelines

  • Each Learning Network strives to meet, at minimum, 3-4 times annually. Meetings may be conducted virtually or in-person. PRPS staff will assist with securing zoom lines and/or facilities as well as secure times at
  • PRPS hosted events (i.e. annual conference, fall meeting)
  • Provide at least one tangible resource (training, publication, survey, etc.) each year that benefits the PRPS Membership.
  • Work with the Conference Committee liaison/s to provide or suggest educational topics, speakers (with contact details) for consideration at the Annual Conference


PRPS hosed Virtual Roundtables to provide a networking platform for members to share the challenges and issues they faced during the COVID-19 crisis. 

Below is a list of Roundtable Recordings available for viewing at any time. 

Summer Camp & Outdoor Summer Camp Roundtables  

1/31/2022 Recording Click Here. Chat Box PDF. Related Documents.

2/18/2021 Recording Click Here. PDF

9/15/2020 Recording Click Here. Handouts: 

     Pre-screen med. form PDF

     Safety Guidelines PDF

     Parent Handbook PDF

7/30/2020 Recording: Click Here. Discussion from Chat Box PDF.

6/2/2020 Recording: Click Here. Discussion from Chat Box PDF.

5/22/2020 Recording: Click Here. Discussion from Chat Box PDF.

5/14/2020 Recording: Click Here. Discussion from Chat Box PDF.

4/29/2020 Recording: Click Here. Discussion from Chat Box PDF.

4/23/2020  Recording: Click Here.  Discussion from Chat Box PDF.

4/7/2020 Recording: Click Here.  Discussion from Chat Box PDF

For access to the PRPS Summer Camp Google Doc, email us.

Aquatics Roundtables

5/5/2021 Recording: Click Here.  Discussion from Chat Box - PDF.

2/11/2021 Recording: Click Here. Discussion from Chat Box - PDF.

10/7/2020 Recording: Click Here. Discussion from Chat Box - PDF.

7/28/2020 Recording: Click Here. Discussion from Chat Box - PDF.

6/9/2020 Recording: Click Here. Discussion from Chat Box - PDF.

5/21/2020 Recording: Click Here. Discussion from Chat Box - PDF.

5/5/2020 Recording: Click Here. Discussion from Chat Box - PDF.

4/21/2020 Recording: Click Here.  Discussion from Chat Box - PDF.

3/30/2020 Recording: Click Here

Program & Event Roundtables 

1/25/2022 Recording Click Here. Chat Box PDF.

2/4/2021 Recording:  Click Here. Discussion Chat Box - PDF.

9/17/2020 Recording: Click Here.

8/4/2020 Recording: Click Here. Discussion from Chat Box - PDF

4/14/2020 Recording: Click Here. Discussion from Chat Box - PDF.

4/3/2020 Recording: Click Here. Discussion from Chat Box - PDF.

Therapeutic Recreation Roundtable 

9/22/2020 Recording Click Here.  Discussion from Chat Box - PDF.

4/27/2020 Recording: Click Here. Discussion from Chat Box - PDF.

4/8/2020 Recording: Click Here.

Community Center Roundtables 

2/2/2021 Recording: Click Here. Discussion from Chat Box - PDF.

8/6/2020 Recording: Click Here. Discussion from Chat Box - PDF.

6/15/2020 Recording: Click Here. Discussion from Chat Box - PDF.

5/13/2020 Recording: Click Here. Discussion from Chat Box - PDF.

4/29/2020 Recording: Click Here. Discussion from Chat Box - PDF.

Urban Roundtables

10/8/2020 Recording: Click Here  Discussion from Chat Box - PDF.

5/1/2020 Recording: Click Here. Discussion from Chat Box - PDF

5/22/2020 Recording: Click here. Discussion from the Chat Box - PDF.

Health & Wellness Roundtables

5/22/2020 Recording: Click Here. Discussion from the Chat Box - PDF.

5/6/2020 Recording: Click here.

3/25/2020 Recording: Click here.

Maintenance Roundtable - 3/27/2020

Recording: Click here.