2021 Leadership Development Academy presents… Your Membership Engagement
Team: Ashley Broudy, Jennifer Fean, Courtney Meehan, Kelsey Paul, Megan Prusienski, Devon Serena
To promote the engagement of current/future members within the Pennsylvania Recreation and Park Society (PRPS). The goal is for members to get the most out of their membership.
Utilize the point system engagement score already in place to further volunteering within boards, committees, and branches within PRPS.
Level-Up Point Opportunities
PRPS Board of Directors | 5,000 |
District Board Member | 2,500 |
District 1 | |
District 2 | |
District 3 | |
Committee Participation | 2,500 |
Governmental Affairs Committee | |
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion Committee | |
Membership Committee | |
Recognition & Awards Committee | |
TRI Planning Committee | |
Training/Event Registrations | 2,500 |
Conference Planning Committee | |
Webinar | |
Workshop | |
Conference/Institute | |
Professional Certification | 2,500 |
(CPRE, CPRP, CPSI, CTRS, etc.) | |
Write a PRPS “Dig it” Blog Post | 2,500 |
Products Purchased | 1,000 |
Donations | 1,000 |
Log-in to www.prps.org | 500 |
Opportunities for Involvement:
Want to become a volunteer? Go to Volunteer Opportunities for more information.
Taking it to the next level: The goal of this project is to create an effective tool that can be utilized by PRPS, PRPS committees, districts, and supporting agencies in an ongoing and continuous effort for member engagement. The hope is that it will continue to develop, enhance, and improve through a collective effort and implementation. Several suggestions for future use:
Achievement Identification: Similar to certifications, each level could feature a corresponding badge/seal to be placed in the email signature of PRPS members. This would identify Bronze, Silver, and Gold members, while also highlighting the program to spark interest among others.
District Challenges: Districts can compete to see which district has the highest level of member participation each year. Which district has the highest quantity of Gold Members?
Conference Badges: At the Annual PRPS State Conference, members receive badges for awards, sponsorship, committees, etc. Three badges to represent membership engagement level could also be implemented – bronze, silver, and gold.
Promotional Incentives: PRPS can further encourage engagement through promotions. Members can receive items like a hat, water bottle, key chain, etc. when they reach certain levels. A larger promotion such as a drawing (all gold members) for a discounted conference registration may also be an option to facilitate engagement.
The SCOOP eNews: A portion of the PRPS SCOOP eNews can feature the PRPS GOLD members. It can highlight new GOLD MEMBERS and provide a link to the LEVEL UP website page - providing a list of opportunities to get involved and information on the point system.
End goal to members/ Lasting Implementation:
We challenge you as members to volunteer and get involved on a committee, run for a leadership position on a branch or in your district, or compete within your office or district to gain the most points.