Discover Exciting Career Paths in Parks and Recreation!
A Choice Career: Parks and Recreation offers an interview-driven, “real people, real stories,” approach to create a compelling, emotional appeal that expands viewers’ awareness of the diversity and viability of a fulfilling career in parks and recreation.
The video, produced by PRPS, is designed to be an introductory component of Members’ opportunities to engage with high school and college students and their parents, such as:
- seasonal staff orientations
- new employee trainings
- introductions to family movies, teen programs and other public recreation programs
- high school and public event presentations
A Choice Career is also accessed along with complementary career development materials and a marketing tool kit that Members may adapt to promote the parks and recreation profession in their locales. PRPS partnered with the National Recreation and Park Association and the American Academy for Park and Recreation Administration to develop the video’s national marketing plan.
Promotional Toolkit for "A Choice Career: Parks and Recreation Video
This toolkit is designed to help you promote the "A Choice Career: Parks and Recreation" video in collaboration with the American Academy for Park and Recreation Administration (AAPRA), the Pennsylvania Recreation & Park Society (PRPS), and the National Recreation and Park Association (NRPA). The video highlights the value and opportunities of pursuing a career in parks and recreation. Use the messaging and materials below to inspire individuals to explore this rewarding and expansive field.
Pennsylvania colleges and universities offering park, recreation and related majors:
Butler County Community College
Commonwealth University PASSHE Universities in Northcentral PA (Formerly Bloomsburg, Lock Haven, and Mansfield Universities)
Indiana University of Pennsylvania
Pennsylvania Western (PennWest) University PASSHE Universities in Western PA (Formerly California, Clarion and Edinboro Universities)