“New Kid” In Town 01/25/2022 Communicating challenges coach coaching communicate communication entry guidance guide guiding help new kid new professionals new staff replace resources support training transition
A Choice Career: Parks and Recreation 02/10/2025 Communicating career highschoolstudents collegestudents parks recreation futureprofessionals
Attend the PRPS Conference Expo Hall 03/06/2023 Communicating #PRPSConferenceandExpo #networking #professionaldevelopment #PRPSexhibitors #ParksandRecreation
Building Your Network, Builds Your Net Worth! Basics for Networking with Colleagues to Build Your Net Worth! 11/27/2024 Communicating Networking
Communicating with Clarity 06/25/2022 Communicating #summercamps communication Leadership parks Programming recreation
Conservation Community Culture 08/04/2023 Communicating #community #conservation #culture #WeConservePA
Culture of Health - coming to a park near you! 02/25/2021 Communicating #CoH #cultureofhealth #health #intellectualhealth #mentalhealth #physicalhealth #socialhealth #Wellness
Fundraising Review - DIY consultation 06/15/2021 Communicating #communicating #fundraising #marketing
Jerks at Work 05/05/2023 Communicating communication continuingeducation creativethinking Diversity fair GoldenRule gratitude honesty innovation jerks listening peopleproblems positive interaction problempeople problems quality realisticgoals recognition respect service solutions teamplayer trust
Parks and Recreation: Continued Complicity or Time to Stand Up? 06/22/2021 Communicating #socialequity
Practical Marketing for Recreation Events 10/15/2022 Communicating beginner communication events intro introduction parks practical recreation
PRPS Conference & Expo Social Call, District Belt & Prize Pool 03/05/2022 Communicating #PRPSBackTogether #PRPSConference&Expo #ProfessionalDevelopment #2022PRPSConference #Socials