The Final Leg

Have you ever participated in or watched a track meet? Are you familiar with the order of events? What is the last event of the meet? Yes, you're correct, the 4 X 400 M Relay.
If you are part of a Recreation Department that offers summer programs, the final call has just come across the announcements. "This is the final call for all participants in the 4 X 400, please report to the start line on the track.”
Are you ready for the final sprint? Do you have the stamina to cross the finish line? Are you prepared, regardless of the weather, time of the meet, the score, or the opponent? What are your teammates thinking as the score is tied? How are we going to get this done? All these questions are all going thru your mind about now, with or without the Covid 19 as part of the equation. This is the last leg before those programs begin in approximately 80 days!
In a normal year, it is too much to do once the winter programs are over. Now, with the regulations in front of us, we are in need of assistance. Even if you have been in the field for many years, it is time to join forces to get the support you need. One of those is your professional friends at PRPS. The staff has established many roundtables to assist you in your research, planning, organization, and implementation of the programs.
Refer to this page: PRPS Education and Training
In Central Pa, we have a friendly group that meets almost monthly, and to be honest, I have looked forward to seeing this group in zoom meetings since last April. I am not sure where I would be without the support and friendship of these individuals during this pandemic. If you don’t have a local group to make connections, you are always welcome to join our group. If you are without a local connection, you would benefit from picking up the phone and calling your neighbor(s). Build relationships with those near you, be a leader and schedule a get together (well maybe a Zoom). It isn’t too hard to get one started, but once it is started, you will be extremely grateful you did. Our group has been meeting for years, I am not completely sure how long, but our professional relationships have developed into friendships that will last forever. Thank you to our Central PA Recreational Group for all your leadership and friendship over the years.

Some have moved, some have graduated to other positions, and some have gained Angel’s wings, but no matter what we are there for each other.