Introducing the new PRPS brand!

Prps Blog Logo Final
Posted by Administrator at 08/25/2017

Pennsylvania Recreation and Park SocietyAnd welcome to the new PRPS website and online headquarters!We are very pleased to introduce the new PRPS brand identity. Please see the Brand Study Communications Plan and Brand Guidelines for brief outlines of the rationale that produced it and a glimpse of the new unified logos for our Society, Branches and Districts. The process began last year when PRPS hired SWELL to conduct a Brand Study for PRPS, which was presented to the Board of Directors in its March meeting. Based on the study, the professional design team developed three distinct concepts, which were reviewed by the Board and a select team of PRPS members. At each stage of its evolutionary progress, we solicited new input, and a clear choice emerged to become our new logo. The process was deliberate to embrace expert design advice while incorporating the desires of the PRPS stakeholders. We now have a new identity that does all of the following:

•  “owns” the PRPS acronym that everyone uses

•  freshens and updates our image for contemporary use and popular recognition

•  balances the fun in our delivery with the essentials of our purpose

•  brings a bold corporate image for a relevant and influential professional association

•  unites our Districts and Branches into an easily comprehensible and cohesive whole

Beyond the logo, we are also pleased to launch this brand-new website with more clarity and functions than our former site. While you’re here, please take a few minutes to poke around and check out the various pages and features. In particular, check out the SANDBOX, our interactive zone for:

•  The Scoop – a link to the most current weekly edition of our eNewsletter, now updated with a fresh title and format.

•  Dig It! Blog – an interactive forum to explore park and recreation issues, share resources and best practices, and advance innovative solutions. Look for regular posts on the 5th, 15th and 25th of each month from our team of thought leaders.

•  Groups – a series of interactive meeting places for our Districts, Branches, Committees, and other organized groups.

•  Job Center – for posting and reviewing employment opportunities.

We’ve made it easier and more intuitive for you to renew your membership, explore upcoming training opportunities, register for a program, learn more of our partners, and download resources. (Because this has been a huge undertaking, there might be some glitches. If you find any, please let us know so we can fix them as soon as possible! We’ll appreciate both your understanding and your patience.) The PRPS Board and staff urge you to review our new Brand Study Communications Plan and Brand Guidelines, and embrace the new identity of PRPS and all it means for our future together!