Keep Pennsylvania Beautiful’s Waterway Steward Program

The Pennsylvania Waterway Steward Program’s goal is to engage Pennsylvania water trail users, outdoor and waterway enthusiasts, anglers and all who are concerned about the health and safety of our waterways, in community science and build long term stewardship of our water trails, while providing valuable data to tell the story about litter in our waterways.

Posted by Baily O'Brien at 08/05/2024

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During the warm summer months, many Pennsylvanians gravitate towards local waterways to seek fun and relaxation. Two of the most prominent qualities that draw residents to these areas are the beauty and the relaxation associated with waterways. However, when they are littered, they become less enjoyable for residents and harmful to plants and wildlife. Kayakers, avid fishermen, bird watchers, and waterway and outdoor enthusiasts in general are encouraged by Keep Pennsylvania Beautiful to take action and become community scientists through their Waterway Steward Program

Waterway Stewards assist in preserving and improving water quality as well as enhancing the health and safety of our environment for residents, plants and animals. The process is simple. To get started, visit the Keep Pennsylvania Beautiful website and complete the quick application. Stewards receive one cleanup kit containing a pair of gloves, a mesh bag, a collapsible litter grabber and a laminated data card with QR code for reporting. Once materials have been received, stewards can begin to organize a cleanup event. Cleanups can be as small as one person or involve clubs, communities and organizations. Cleanups can concentrate on one waterway or multiple waterways and focus on litter in the water or along shorelines. Stewards are required to complete at least two events per year. 

The most important step in the process comes after the cleanup. Stewards are encouraged to revisit the Keep Pennsylvania Beautiful website and report their cleanup results. I personally applied for and completed a Waterway Steward event and filled out the report after my cleanup. I can attest to the ease of the process! The report takes between five and ten minutes to complete and covers specific types of litter collected, the waterway cleaned up and a simple stream health assessment. These reports are crucial in helping the PA Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) and Ocean Conservancy improve the health of our waterways. DEP uses the data to determine Total Maximum Daily Limit, the maximum amount of a pollutant allowed to enter a waterbody so that the waterbody will meet and continue to meet water quality standards for that particular pollutant. 

Becoming a Waterway Steward is a quick and easy way to contribute to the effort of improving and preserving the quality of our waterways. Every cleanup is a step in the right direction towards an even more beautiful Pennsylvania! 

Funding for the program is provided by the PA Department of Environmental Protection.