It's Cold Outside!
by Doug Knauss, CPRP, CPSI, Park & Recreation Director, Susquehanna Township

As many of us know field use is increasing every year and the opportunity to restore athletic fields becomes more and more limited. Many practitioners try to enforce field closures to restore fields, limit use to restore fields, or just wait and sod fields in the spring with hopes that it will take hold and be ready for the upcoming season. Many of these approaches are unsuccessful and can cause significant backlash from your community.
Park maintenance plans can take a page out of the golf course management handbook and grow grass during the winter months with the use of turf blankets. You may have seen these large white mats out on some athletic fields and may have been curious about what these are and their purpose. Turf blankets are how you can grow grass all winter long when it is cold outside. These blankets serve as lack of a better term “greenhouse” over the area of repair. These blankets have proven to allow grass to grow all winter and when they are removed in early spring will reveal grass in areas in need of restoration you can then limit your time of field closures. These blankets can be customized to the size you need and can last from 7 to 15 years, over time this is an inexpensive and successful way to restore an area over sod.
We over-aerate the repair area with multiple passes of a core aerator, lay down organic material or fertilizer over the repair area, and then seed. We then cover the area with a turf blanket and secure it to the ground with ground stakes and then you let the magic happen. We will remove the blankets in early spring and keep the area closed for about two weeks to allow for the grass to strengthen and then the fields will be open for use.
You can perform these types of field repairs up to about Thanksgiving and then remove the blankets in the first week or two of March. We have found over time we shrink the area of repair each year due to the strength of the grass.
So, for an economical and successful field maintenance solution turf blankets could be your solution.