Inmates Play More Than Our Children

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Posted by Administrator at 04/16/2019

girl playing baseballIn a recent Workshop I attended that was sponsored by a local Playground Manufacturer, I watched an impactful video showcasing inmates from U.S. prisons enjoying their recreation time.  I learned that inmates in the US are required to have 2-hours of recreation per day.  The inmates beamed as they discussed their recreation time and the guards supported this requirement and defined it as imperative for population control and management.  The inmates and guards were then asked how reducing recreation time to  ½-hour – 1-hour per day would impact life in prison.  The reaction was similar, as both inmates and guards stated that a reduction in recreation would create a state of anarchy in the prisons. In America, the Center for Disease Control (CDC) and many other organizations recommend our children should get 60 minutes (1-hour) of physical activity/play/recreation per day.  Yet, our children struggle to average 4 hours of physical play per week, which along with poor dietary habits, has resulted in a national obesity epidemic and for the first time in history, experts are predicting average life spans to actually start decreasing.   Although, our youth have the time to average over 5-hours per week utilizing some sort of electronic device. As obesity becomes America’s primary healthcare concern, many communities are decreasing budgets for parks and play areas and schools are cutting or eliminating physical education  As your read this article,  your holding the key component to opportunities unrivalled by any community in our state or region with programs, special events, parks, trails and amenities to live healthy.