It may be a sad moment for some and a joyful one to others...the end of summer. For my daughter and I, it’s our favorite time of year. We can almost smell the leaves. The acorns have begun to fall from the Oaks and the goldenrod is blooming.
In our profession, summer poses more of a challenge in your personal life to “relax.” You have pools to manage, camps to organize, Community Day(s), concerts, races, and many other special events. So, Fall may be just what the doctor ordered.
But as we wish away the madness, think of all the memories that you and your staff have created for the community. You have created economic stimulus; taught someone to swim; showed a child the difference between a frog and a toad; provided exercise for a senior citizen; encouraged a special needs participant to get up and dance, allowed a grandfather to watch his granddaughter hit her first home run, created laughter between new friends and many, many other memories.
Parks and Recreation Professionals not only provide benefits for the humans on Mother Earth, but also for the many critters that rely on clean water, fresh air, green grass, safe corridors, and plentiful food. All which allows them to continue to flourish in their natural habitats.
As you take that sigh of relief that another successful summer has come to an end, give yourself, your staff, and dedicated volunteers a pat on the back for making a difference for creatures big and small.