Get Involved with PRPS

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Posted by Administrator at 10/25/2020

PRPS is seeking volunteers to serve on our 2021 Board of Directors and other committees. We rely on you, our members, and the dedication you provide to our profession, to make things happen. It’s always nice to see new members join in and serve alongside our long-time, dedicated volunteers.

Volunteering for PRPS is a rewarding and challenging experience for anyone with an interest in the field of park and recreation. It provides a great opportunity to expand your leadership experience, work together with like-minded individuals, and have fun.

We are currently seeking the following elected positions on the PRPS Board of Directors:

President-Elect 2021-2023, then serve as President 2023-2025
Treasurer, 2021-2023
Secretary, 2021-2023
Educators Director, 2021-2023 

Click here for more information on the Board of Directors Job Responsibilities. If you have any questions about these positions, our board members are available to discuss. 

We also have several active committees that might interest you:

Membership Engagement Committee: Contribute to member recruitment and retention
Leadership & Training Corps: Contribute to researching and planning relevant training programs
Partnerships & Sponsorships: Assist in identifying new partnering opportunities
Communications Committee: Assist in determining tactics and contribute to outreaches
Governmental Affairs Committee: Contribute to legislative advocacy plans and activities
Inclusion Committee: Assist in determining ways and means
PA Urban Park and Recreation Alliance: Contribute to urban advocacy and developing capacity
Health and Wellness Committee: Develop statewide initiatives and technical resources to combat addiction and create cultures of health
PRPS Dig It! Blog: Thought leaders to share a few blog posts per year

Serving as a volunteer is not only about making a better community, it’s a way to increase one skill and experience, meet new people, and improve your mental health.  

Your time, dedication, and skills will help strengthen PRPS and you have a chance to explore and try new things. If volunteering is something you have always wanted to try, then there is no better time than now to get involved! 

Did you know that you can earn CEU credit towards your CPRP or CPRE certification renewal by volunteering with PRPS? The National Recreation & Park Association (NRPA) awards Professional Service Experience Points (CEU equivalent credits) for serving PRPS in an elected position, volunteering on a committee, writing articles for our publications, or speaking at our conference.  

Below are two testimonials from our exceptional volunteers:

“I knew shortly after joining PRPS that as a young professional, it was essential to network and build relationships with fellow leaders in this industry. While attending my first conference, a couple of seasoned professionals advised me to “get involved with the nuts and bolts of the organization.” I attended my first District 2 meeting at that conference and before I left that meeting I was somehow listed as a “representative” of the D2 Board. Many years later and many board and committee positions later, I can honestly say that serving PRPS has enriched my life, enhanced my leadership skills, and advanced my career. I’ve met countless leaders, experts, and professionals that have taught, advised, mentored, challenged, and guided me every step of the way. I have learned more through volunteering with PRPS than I have in the classroom, and that’s what makes this organization truly special!”

Tammy Agesen, CPRP, AFO
Program Manager, Lancaster County Department of Parks and Recreation

“I like volunteering with PRPS. Strategically, I think it’s important we all chip in to make parks and rec bigger and better across the state. I think there are a ton of really cool and creative people that volunteer and I like interacting and being a part of that experience.”

Jason Lang, MS, CPRE
Director of Parks and Recreation, East Goshen Township Parks and Recreation and Secretary on the PRPS Board of Directors

Are you ready to become a volunteer? We would love for you to join us as a volunteer to continue making PRPS grow!

Check out our Volunteer Responsibilities and Volunteer Opportunities page for more information and to help you get started.