We’re celebrating trails in September in Pennsylvania!
We’re fortunate to have thousands of miles of trails of all types to hike, ride, and paddle. Just like local parks, they are waiting to be explored at little to no cost.
Trails connect places, are one of the best guides to nature, and more than 75 percent of Pennsylvanians believe that along with parks they are an essential part of our health care system.
Where to Find a TrailAnyone who wants to visit a trail but is not sure where to go can find 12,000 miles and events listed on the website
www.explorePAtrails.com.The website has recently been refreshed. Key things to visit on the site now include a Calendar of Events, the Trail of the Year and a Featured Trail. But the best part is you can search by trail name, your county or zip code, or the type of trail use to find your perfect path.
If your local trail is not on there, you can add it.
Learn more about trail experiences on this short
video which is being placed on TV stations throughout the state during the month.
Trail PartnersDCNR helps coordinate a 20-member Pennsylvania Trails Advisory Committee that represents many different types of users and stakeholders. It advises the department of the use of state and federal trail funding.
The committee recently finished its
2017 Trails Report that is a great information source about planning, closing trail gaps to reach a goal of having a trail within 15 minutes of every Pennsylvanian, and lots of accomplishments for the year.
Pursue your trail!