Conference Confidence!

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Posted by Administrator at 03/05/2019

Confidence can be described as a belief in one’s self and one’s ability to succeed.  Striking a healthy balance between too much and too little confidence can be challenging.  Too much and you come off cocky and stumble into unforeseen obstacles when you overestimate your own abilities or fail to complete projects on deadline because you underestimate the time and effort they require.  At the same time, having too little confidence can prevent you from taking risks and seizing opportunities.  Projecting just enough confidence helps you gain credibility, make a good lasting first impression, deal with pressure and meet personal and professional challenges head on. 

It’s that time of year again and emotions are high!  Some will get nervous as this may be your first conference while others get excited to see old friends.  Whatever your reaction, it’s Conference Time!  Conference Confidence is only for the veterans…WRONG!  The Annual Conference is truly what you make of it and I will tell you the sky is NOT the limit.  Where possibilities are endless and impossible is nothing!  Conference is your opportunity to network and learn from the best in the business.  I’ve provided suggestions to make the most of your experience:      

  1. Talk to as many people as possible.  Don’t just nod as you walk past people in the hallways. Sit and talk and get to know them and give them a chance to get to know you. 
  2. Go outside of your clique.  Leave your comfort zone. 
  3. Approach every table in the expo hall and get information from them all.
  4. Talk to the hotel/resort staff and ask questions about their industry or the facilities.
  5. Networking is fun but be careful not to have too much fun. 
  6. Don’t forget your business card, and don’t forget to pass it out. 

Every interaction at the Conference is an opportunity to build you, your programs and events. Plus you may make new friends.  Don’t be afraid to suggest ideas or share experiences and listen, listen, listen! 

As recreators, if our programs and events aren’t diverse, innovative, educational, and fun, our employers will find a person who will get the job done.  Come to Conference and get engaged and keep an open mind.  Gather the tools to fill your toolbox to make you, your programs and events better for your community. 

“Imagination is more important than knowledge.” – Albert Einstein