2024 PRPS Leadership Academy

12/05/2024 12:00 AM


  • Applications close: August 31
  • 7 Weekly personal reading assignments start: week of October 14; end week of November 25
  • 3 Bi-weekly one-hour virtual sessions: Thursdays, Oct. 24, Nov. 7, 21  tentatively 3-4 pm
  • In-Person Workshop: Thursday, December 5, 9:30 am – Friday, December 6, 3:00 pm; PRPS Office


Course Materials (provided)                                                                 

The 5 Levels of Leadership, by John Maxwell                                                     



Lori Hoffner, Professional Speaker, Training and Consultant – Supporting Community, Inc.

Lori has been offering training for community networking, organizational relationship building, and positive youth development since 1997 and has spoken nationally regarding employment and staff engagement, youth program development, as well as multiple community issues. Lori created Supporting CommUnity, Inc. her professional speaking, training, and consulting business that focuses on individuals being positive, having fun, and connecting to one another to create a confident culture within their organizations and for the greater community they serve. Lori has a great deal of fun with her audiences, engaging them in thought provoking exercises and encouraging intentional, affirming practices every day.


Accredited Resiliency at Work (R@W) Coach, Certified QPR Trainer, Certified Mental Health First Aide Trainer, safeTALK Instructor/Master Trainer, Certified ASIST (Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training) Consulting Trainer

Tim Herd, CPRE herd@prps.org                                
Niki Tourscher, CPRE, CPSI   tour@prps.org


Behavioral Objectives

Upon completion of the Academy Certificate program, participants will be able to:

  1. Assess their current level of leadership.
  2. Describe the five levels of leadership and demonstrate the active application of leadership principles in their work practices and lifestyles.
  3. Outline a plan of leadership that supports an entrepreneurial mindset for growth, retention, and

    sustainability of quality staff.

  4. Define professionalism and the importance it has in the workplace by examining what is

    external and internal professionalism.

  5. Describe leadership styles and the impact on communication success or failure, based on the

    different mental processes that we use to form impressions of other people.

  6. Define critical conversations and how the filters one is using; generational, societal, or

    experiential, influence how messages are received.

  7. Define the power of advocacy by staff, volunteers, and community stakeholders to promote the

    work and mission of your organization.

  8. Using proven models, the participants will discuss groups within your community that can

    provide additional insights for decisions on programs, facilities, and user needs

  9. Complete a Class Team Project benefiting PRPS and/or the recreation and park profession.
  10. Complete a Personal Leadership Project benefiting their municipality or organization.


Class Leadership Project Guidelines

The purpose of the required Class Project is to contribute something tangible and lasting to PRPS; one that advances its mission, and aligns with a particular strategy and outcome of the current PRPS Strategic Plan, the Leadership 2025 Plan, or the State Outdoor Recreation Plan. These plans are all accessible at prps.org/plans.


Time is allotted during the in-person workshop to allow the participants to decide on a particular project and begin planning its scope and execution. The project tasks are to be performed by all team members and completed during the following seven weeks.  Volunteer time contributed by each team member during this period is considered part of the Leadership Academy requirements.


In its planning, the team should define the project with its goals, action steps and measureable outcomes, and detail project administration, communications, marketing, and budget. If expenses are minimal, such as a simple graphic design, or other nominal materials, PRPS will likely approve and cover the expenses. If the project requires a more substantial investment, the team may secure in-kind donations and/or sponsorships.


At the completion of the Class project, the team will prepare a brief report of the process and results to the PRPS Membership at the Annual Business Meeting at the Conference & Expo, which may take the form of a video, infographic, interactive demo, or other creative means. Special mention should be made of specific leadership principles employed to reach the goal.


Personal Leadership Project Guidelines

The purpose of the required personal project is to act on newly acquired knowledge of leadership principles by applying them in significant inward and outward expressions.


The project requires personal action to demonstrate best behaviors on your present leadership level, as well as embracing the guidelines for growing through that level to the next one.


Because you are likely operating on different leadership levels in your various roles – employee, coach, spouse, parent, volunteer, etc., choose one role and seek to improve your leadership within it. With that specific role in mind, take the Leadership Assessment in the beginning of the book and note your level before you begin.


The outward application of your personal project will be visible to others as you identify a need and fill it. It may be taking on a new and challenging work task, gathering and communicating community input, stepping into a new role in your community or church, or otherwise working with others to bring a solution—or at least progress—to a particular issue or problem, in about 8 weeks.

The internal aspect of this project is perhaps more important to your leadership potential and future influence. As you work intentionally to improve your thinking and attitudes, these new habits will show in your speaking and behaving, and in your relationships and results.

Keep a written journal of your personal project, noting the outward task(s), goal, timeline and outcomes. Describe what your leadership role will be in achieving the results, and identify those who will contribute to your success. Keep track of the best behaviors for your level that you put into practice, and note your thoughts and others’ reactions as you work through them. At the project’s completion, retake the Leadership Assessment to determine and note your progress, along with an honest critique for your personal improvements.


The written journal will remain your confidential record; you are not required to submit it to anyone—as you hold yourself personally accountable for your own progress.


Reading, Assignments & Deliveries Schedule






Oct. 14

Intro p. 1-36

Complete Leadership Assessment



Oct. 21

Level 1 p. 37-82

Upsides & Downsides; Beliefs & Behaviors

Thurs. Oct. 24 Virtual Session 3-4 pm


Oct. 28

Level 2 p. 83-130




Nov. 4

Level 3 p. 131-178


Thurs. Nov. 7 Virtual Session 3-4 pm


Nov. 11

Level 4 p. 179-228

People Development



Nov. 18

Level 5 p. 229-286


Thurs. Nov. 21 Virtual Session 3-4 pm


Nov. 25

Administrative Leadership Creed

Self-Accountability Agreement



Dec. 2

review 2024-27 PRPS Strategic Plan,

Leadership 2025, 2020-2024 PA Outdoor Rec Plan

Thurs-Fri. Dec. 5-6In-person Workshop


Dec. 9

Personal, Class Projects begun




Jan. 6

Personal, Class Projects continue


Thurs. Jan. 9 Virtual Session 3-4 pm


Jan. 20

Class Project completed by Jan. 24

Retake Leadership Assessment

Evaluation Survey


Mar. 17

Class Project Presentation at PRPS Conference

Completion Certificates

Recruit candidates for next Academy session


In-Person Workshop Schedule (subject to flux according to group discussion and needs)


Thurs. Dec. 5               Leadership of Self

9:30-10:00 am   Arrival/Coffee and donuts


10:00-10:30 am Introductions, Personal Meme Icebreaker, Rules of Discussion


10:30-12:00                       Session 1: Moving into the Future: The Power of Transformational Leadership

Do you know the difference between transactional leadership and transformational leadership and why it makes a difference in EVERY industry? As the saying goes; “the only constant is change,” and if it’s important for you and your organization to move into the future with positive growth and a thriving staff, you will want to understand how to support this change.  This includes appreciating leaders with strength of vision and personality who can inspire followers to change expectations, perceptions, and motivations to work towards common goals. Additionally, that change happens when there is an increase in the leader's expectation of the follower's performance which will result in overall increased performance.                                                                         

12:00-1:00 pm   Networking Lunch with PRPS staff


1:00-2:15 pm                    Session 2: Professionalism and Why it Matters  

New and emerging leaders quickly learn that when you have the reputation as a true professional, you will always be in demand.  As a valued, and respected professional in your industry, you will not only be popular with others, but you will also develop a high sense of purpose and self-worth.  Achieving and maintaining that kind of professionalism takes intentional effort and dedication.  In this session, we’ll discuss the steps you can take using successful staff communication, strong organizational skills and mindful leadership.  You will also learn the powerful role that emotional intelligence has for professionals creating an environment of inclusion, cooperation, and a sense of purpose for others.      


2:15-3:00 pm                    Teambuilding Exercises


3:00-4:30 pm                    Session 3: Accountability: It’s Everybody’s Responsibility

Accountability; the obligation of an individual or organization to account for its activities, accept responsibility for them, and to disclose the results in a transparent manner.  It is the expectation we have for ourselves and others, but how often do we meet it? Do we find solutions when things don’t go as we had planned or do we play the blame game?  Together we will discuss how we move beyond understanding the need for accountability, to engaging your team in ways that can win their hearts, minds and commitment. You will learn how to create a philosophy of accountability that everyone can embrace and practice. A philosophy that removes fear; increases skills, confidence and reliability.         


4:30-5:00 pm                    Session 4: Your Leadership Style and What it Says About You

Bill Gates once said, "As we look ahead into the next century, leaders will be those who empower others." Today's workforce continues to change rapidly. As a leader, are you ready to adapt to these changes or continue doing things the old-school way? The answer lies in what kind of leadership style and personality you possess.


Let’s engage in a fun and insightful conversation about leadership that meets the needs of the ever-changing scope of work and the workforce needed to meet those changes.         


5:00-6:00 pm                    Hotel Check-in


6:00 pm                                            Dinner and Activity


Fri. Dec. 6                    Leadership of Others

8:30-9:00 am                    Coffee, Donuts & Conversation at PRPS


9:00-10:30 am   Session 5: Successful Communication; Control, Filters, and Perception

The way you communicate greatly influences the outcome of a conversation. What you say and when and how you say it determines the conversation’s success or failure. Therefore, knowing the type of communication control one uses in any given situation can illicit engagement or dissent. Our communication is continually influenced by individual filters that delete, distort, or generalize a

message. Those filers are established by many different factors, one of the most prevalent these days is the generational filter, developed in the process of socialization and experiences. These filters crucially affect communication and interaction. Finally, the perception we have about the person sharing a

message will determine the “ear” in which we listen and ultimately affect the outcome of our conversation. We will discuss multiple communication models, helping you determine what will be the most successful approach for you and your staff.


10:30-11:30 am Class Project Identification


11:30-12:00 pm Lunch


12:00-3:00 pm         Session 6: Leadership and Advocacy; Creating a Collaborative Relationship with Key Stakeholders
As a non-profit, a government agency, or any organization that depends on the support of the community for your success, you understand the importance of establishing and maintaining a positive relationship of trust. Gaining that trust comes not only from the work that you do but also from the story you tell about the mission and goal of your organization. The stories about the mission of your work ignites the passion of stakeholders and champions of your organization and those champions can encourage and support programs, funding and the important work of parks and recreation.


By engaging in a process that educates key stakeholders in your communities about the benefits that parks and recreation provide and encouraging them to tell their own stories about the power of the services you provide, you create essential advocates. Together, we will discuss steps you can take to build collaborative relationships with community members, other community agencies and businesses, ensuring a at seat at the table when important decisions are being made that impact the mission of your work.


3:00-3:45 pm                    Class Project planning arrangements. Wrap-up.

Leadership Development


2024 Application







I understand that the PRPS Leadership Development Academy is a learning experience that requires me to participate fully in the readings, assignments, and in-person workshop.


I understand that the work of the Academy is to develop my leadership skills, abilities and effectiveness.  I will work to improve skills I already possess or will accrue through my own professional development.


Upon successful completion of this program, I will exercise more intentional and effective leadership by committing to at least one leadership role in my organization or PRPS in the coming year.


Applicant Signature                                                                                                   Date                                                  



Nominees for the Leadership Development Academy need the commitment of their employer or agency. The representative signature below indicates that the employer is aware of the work and time required, and endorses the applicant.


Name                                                                                                             Title 



Telephone                                                                                                                   Email Address 

Supervisor Signature                                                                                  Date                                   


ACADEMY FEE: $475; includes all meals, materials, and lodging


PRPS SCHOLARSHIP AWARDS  (eligible for up to $400)



  • Include two letters of recommendation from employers or other Recreation and Park Professionals.
  • Fill out and attach the Applicant Questionnaire on the following page.


SUBMIT by August 31, 2024

Scan and email to tour@prps.org or mail to Niki Tourscher, Director of Professional Development,

Pennsylvania Recreation and Park Society, 2131 Sandy Drive State College, PA 16803   814-234-4272.