Volunteer Opportunities

PRPS Volunteer Opportunities for professional service and personal engagement

Volunteer content image 3The Pennsylvania Recreation and Park Society heavily relies on its volunteer members to help deepen its capacity, deliver its program and grow its influence. Those who serve in elected positions are obligated to meet their official responsibilities. Volunteers who choose to serve on task forces, advisory teams and other committees likewise have an obligation to contribute and fulfill the expectations of their roles.


PRPS Member Code of Ethics

Membership in PRPS carries with it special responsibilities to the public at large and to the specific communities and agencies in which recreation and park services are offered. Members of PRPS accept and agree to abide by this Code of Ethics, and pledge to conduct themselves in a professional manner consistent with the following principles:

  1. To adhere to the highest standards of integrity and honesty in all public and personal activities to inspire public confidence and trust.
  2. To strive for personal and professional excellence and to encourage the professional development of associates and students.
  3. To strive for the highest standards of professional competence, fairness, impartiality, efficiency, effectiveness, and fiscal responsibility.
  4. To avoid any interest or activity which is in conflict with the performance of job responsibilities.
  5. To promote the public interest, to support equal opportunities, and to avoid personal gain or profit from the performance of job duties and responsibilities.

“I knew shortly after joining PRPS that as a young professional, it was essential to network and build relationships with fellow leaders in this industry. While attending my first conference, a couple of seasoned professionals advised me to “get involved with the nuts and bolts of the organization.” I attended my first District 2 meeting at that conference and before I left that meeting I was somehow listed as a “representative” of the D2 Board. Many years later and many board and committee positions later, I can honestly say that serving PRPS has enriched my life, enhanced my leadership skills, and advanced my career. I’ve met countless leaders, experts, and professionals that have taught, advised, mentored, challenged, and guided me every step of the way. I have learned more through volunteering with PRPS than I have in the classroom, and that’s what makes this organization truly special!”

Tammy Agesen, CPRP, AFO | Program Manager, Lancaster County Dept. of Parks and Recreation


PRPS Committees

Governing. The incoming President of the Board of Directors appoints chairpersons and members for two-year terms. Governing Committees report to the Board of Directors and include the standing Constitution and Bylaws, Nominations, Recognitions & Awards Committees, and others as needed.

Joint Governing and Operating. Chairpersons and members are appointed for two-year terms jointly by the President and the CEO; or serve as a function of their elective office. The Joint Governing and Operating Committees report to both the Board of Directors and the CEO, and include the Finance, Membership, and Governmental Affairs Committees.

Operating. The CEO annually appoints the leadership of Operating Committees, and by their agreement, other committee members to one-year terms. These include the Annual Conference, Therapeutic Recreation Institute, Conference Site Selection, Historical, Education & Training, Ticket Program, Partnerships, and Publicity & Marketing Committees; the Inclusion Task Force, Urban Alliance Leadership Team, PA Parks Maintenance Advisory Team, Good Advisory Team, Dig it! Blogging Team, Foundation Task Force, and others as needed.

Professional Service Experience (PSE) Program

The National Recreation and Park Association offers CPRPs and CPREs an opportunity to earn Professional Service Experience (PSE) Credits. Together with the traditional CEU credit, PSE points enable individuals to renew professional certifications by utilizing their professional activities. A committee chairperson earns 5 points per year, and a committee member earns 2 points per year. Further information about the program and the application may be found here.

Volunteer Responsibilities

Each committee has specific duties, tasks, goals and deliverables with deadlines; it is the responsibility of committee leaders to communicate such directives to their teammates, and to hold the committee accountable for its results.

All PRPS volunteer committee members accept and agree to be personally accountable to:

  1. Devote the time necessary to prepare for and attend committee meetings.
  2. Review all provided materials and work on assignments.
  3. Seek out training opportunities to learn more about relevant committee issues.
  4. Review and comply with the PRPS Member Code of Ethics.
  5. Be progressive and positive in outlook, and cooperative in interactions.
  6. Take part in discussions, be a good listener, and respect differing views and opinions.
  7. Welcome suggestions and constructive criticism.
  8. Vote according to convictions and support committee and Society decisions.
  9. Assist in PRPS advocacy efforts, especially with those relating to committee tasks and issues.
  10. Resign if unable to live up to these expectations and responsibilities.

Committee tasks and contacts

Please contact the individual indicated to inquire about contributing your time and talent to PRPS while advancing your own professional development! Most positions are limited to a 1-2 year commitment.

Leadership Development Committee: Secure nominees for all elective offices to the Board of Directors and Districts. To include one representative from each District. Chair: Tyler Walker

Recognitions & Awards Committee: Solicit, review and award nominees for outstanding contributions to the profession and the Society. To include one representative from each District. Chair: Audrey Logar

Membership Committee: Plan and contribute to member marketing, recruitment and retention. Chair: Todd Roth

Finance Committee: Review financial statements and policies and make recommendations to the Board of Directors. Chair: Jeremy Mortorff

Governmental Affairs Committee: Monitor legislative affairs and contribute to advocacy plans and activities. Chair: Doug Knauss

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Committee: Assess, evaluate, recommend and assist in implementing DEI strategies among all PRPS operations, members, and the public they serve. Chair: Kathi Muller

Health and Wellness Committee: Develop statewide initiatives and technical resources to combat addiction and create cultures of health. Chair: Vacant

Annual Conference & Expo Committee (and subcommittees): Plan and market all aspects of the annual event. Staff lead: Niki Tourscher

Blogging Team: Contribute three blog posts a year to the Dig It! Blog. Staff lead: Emily Schnellbaugh

Education Committee: Representatives each of the Learning Networks contribute to researching and planning relevant training programs. Staff Lead: Niki Tourscher

Advancement Team: Assist in identifying and securing new partnering and giving opportunities. Staff lead: 

Communications Committee: Assist in determining tactics and contribute to PRPS outreaches. Staff lead: Emily Schnellbaugh

District 1 President: Paula Willis

District 2 President: Tammy Agesen

District 3 President: Ashley Broudy

Learning Networks: Staff Leads: Niki Tourscher, Dan Hendey and Kealy Daye

  • Administration (human resources, finance, planning)
  • Aquatics (pools, splash pads, swim lessons, etc.)
  • Athletics (tournaments, leagues, coaching, etc.)
  • Emerging Professionals
  • Facilities, Maintenance & Operations
  • IDEA: Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, Access
  • Programs, Summer Camps & Special Events
  • Therapeutic Recreation

Something you’d like to contribute, but not listed here? Contact Tim Herd.